A picture of Asier walking down a snow covered street. She is holding a piece of initium in her hands, that reflects the light in a large twinkle. The picture is cut out in a way, to make it look like smoke.

The title of the series: "Adoris' Theory" written bold in a stencil serif font. Both words are in separate lines with the word "Theory" being indented. Left of the word "Theory" and under the "A" of "Adoris'" is a crystal looking icon resembling initium.

After the destruction of a metropolis by a mysterious explosion, the grimdark world of Attest would fall into chaos. The city that once stood proudly has been replaced by crystalline structures of the same size and it's inhabitants left petrified and burning. This event introduced 'Element 126' to humanity, a parasitic behaving metal that can grant supernatural powers, at the cost of one's life and identity. With this newfound material also came many principles, that today rule over the lands of Attest:Power; Greed; Prejudice; Hate and Fear.Two people find themselves in this world of a broken foundation: Fer and Asier. After being outcast by their own world, they have to survive in this new one. A man that can help them adapt is Cole, a biochemist and researcher for a potential cure.




A picture of Cole sitting on a stool, leaning forward with his hands interlocked, looking tired. He has a slander build, blue eyes, brown hair and a beard. He's also wearing his lab coat under a dark jacket. He is surrounded by medical equipment.


“People say "stay the way you are",
       but no, this is just not enough for me.”

Cole is a biochemist and working at Kamille Institute since the Wesuff Erruption, where he's at the forefront of researching a potential cure for initium infections.With tension rising and the numbers of victims increasing, Cole would become more pessimistic and distressed. His believe of his employer's mismanagement, patient mistreatment and potential ulterior motives grew those feelings even further. After eventually crossing paths with Fer, he sees an opportunity to turn things around.

    Infection Status:Positive
            Initiumemia:21 µmol/L


    Physical Strength:Sufficient
    Physical Endurance:Good
    Physical Agility:Insufficient

    Combat Experience:Average
    Initium Adaptiveness:N/A

A picture of Fer standing proudly on the edge of a cliff with her chest high and one leg forward in a climbing position. She has a strong build, long white hair, yellow eyes and pointy ears. She is surrounded by her shields made out of light.


"Go, stand strong and proud,
       do not mask it with those cursed gears."

Fer was a fierce and highly regarded warrior in her homeland.After being given an ultimatum, she was exiled from her world and fell towards Attest. Fer is now roaming this place that's her equivalence to hell, ready to uphold her role as Asier's guardian to the utmost degree.

    Infection Status:Positive
            Initiumemia:186 µmol/L


    Physical Strength:Good
    Physical Endurance:Outstanding
    Physical Agility:Good

    Combat Experience:Good
    Initium Adaptiveness:Good

A picture of Asier sitting on the ground with a carefree expression. She is a small child with blond hair bound into twin tails that rest on her shoulders, yellow eyes and pointy ears. She pets a small plushy resembling a goat that's right next to her.


       Are you well, mister?”

Asier is the foster child of Fer.Details of Asier's past are unknown and Fer, the only one who's familiar with it, is reluctant to speak on them. Fer even tenses up when this subject is brought up.

    Infection Status:Positive
            Initiumemia:87 µmol/L


    Physical Strength:Sufficient
    Physical Endurance:Average
    Physical Agility:Good

    Combat Experience:Insufficient
    Initium Adaptiveness:N/A

A picture of a black white-dotted metal that spikes out like a crystal. It shimmers a bit orange like a contained fire on the inside. In the background is a yellow warning sign, showing a gem icon engulfed in fire.


Element 126 is a superactinide metal with parasitic behavior that greatly impacted civilization throughout the Commune, if not all of Attest.Those who are infected with Initium will have the material grow on their bone structure, sometimes bursting out of their skin in spikes. There is usually a point of accumulation somewhere in the body.How initium came to be after the Wesuff Eruption is still shrouded in mystery.

A picture of a Commune soldier wearing modern heavy body armor, a gas mask and a helmet with a red crest similar to a roman soldier. In front of him is a red flag with The Commune logo on it. It resembles a quarter of a cog, made to look like a hand fan.

The Commune of Kampanien

The Commune of Kampanien is the largest nation on Attest, having foot in several continents. Wesuff was one of its largest cities, before the Wesuff Eruption.The Commune is an authoritarian government that prides itself with it's focus on order and engineering with a great repulsion of faith and religion.

A picture of the Kamille Institute logo. It's a hexagon with rounded corners and a twisted tree in it. In front of it is a typical ID card usually carried by Kamille Institute staff, it reads "Kamille Institute, B, Cole Maier, Research staff".

Kamille Institute

Kamille Institute is a biotechnology organization that's currently at the forefront of Initium infection research, with one of the goals being to eventually find a cure for this plague.

A picture of a folder with the words "condifential" on it and the Kamille Institute logo. Attached to the folder are two photographs taken of ruins from Wesuff. In front of the folder is a specimen bag with metal in it, presumably initium.

Wesuff Eruption

The Wesuff Eruption was the explosion that happened in the outskirts of Wesuff on the 24th of October 786. This incident introduced initium to Attest and continues to have a lasting impact on its lands.Before this incident, Wesuff was one of The Commune's largest cities. Now it's a ghost town, as the high exposure to initium make Wesuff uninhabitable.

A picture of two people infected with initium, one of them is stretching out their hand, clearly begging for help, as the initium covers their body and cloak it in fire.


Torch is a name given to a person who's infected with initium. In practice, it acts a lot more like a branding than anything else.The name 'Torch' comes from the eventual fate an infected awaits once they reach the terminal stage.
Until then, the initium in their body will constantly collect energy from either internal sources like body fat, or external ones like atmospheric temperature or partially absorbing kinetic energy.
Most Torches can however output the stored energy at will. How the output manifests itself is dependent on the individual.

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